A Culture of Innovation

Innovation is the key driver for competitiveness in the José de Mello group where constant design, experimenting and implementing of new ideas and solutions develop competitive business areas and ensure value creation for all stakeholders.

Developing brainstorming schemes or fostering close cooperation with science and technology institutions are examples of José de Mello group’s investment in a culture of innovation, essential to find new solutions and become market leader, in sectors as far afield as proprietary technology in chemical production, or the differentiated management of road transportation.

In order to ensure the success of innovative initiatives, the José de Mello group counts on the active participation of a growing number of representatives of various sectors and levels of organization.

Additionally, the partnership network for innovation includes science and technology institutions, startups, incubators and accelerators, besides other relevant organizations in this ecosystem, such as, for example, trade associations.

Joint initiatives in the scope of innovation cover a wide variety of challenges, namely developing applied research products, processes or services.


“We aim to develop a more competitive economy, offering startups the possibility to test and adopt new products and services in real life scenarios”

In 2017, the José de Mello group entered into a new stage of innovation by launching an area dedicated to startups.

In developing initiatives to support startups, the Group equally seeks to modernize and develop the economy, enabling innovation and incentive to the creation and development of startups.

To materialize this new challenge in the field of innovation, a specific scheme to support the development and growth of startups, called Grow, was set up.

Find out more in the Grow site: grow.josedemello.pt